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“ I use the device for insomnia, which causes headaches and nervousness. Lucha T8 helps me a lot! My husband Žarko, 34 years old, a geologist by profession, also uses the device for headaches and has very good results. ”

Bojana Ećimović, Bachelor in Economic

“ In 1996, I first suffered from hayfever, with itchy eyes, a runny nose, shortness of breath, and a cat hair allergy. I tried cortisone treatments and various naturopathic methods with little relief. In 2001, I tried bioresonance therapy, which identified multiple allergies. After completing the Bicom device treatment, I was symptom-free and couldn't believe it. ”

Female patient who tackled her allergies with bioresonance therapy

“ Three weeks ago, I stretched the tendons on my knee and had unpleasant pain in my knee joint. I applied 'Bur Gel,' but the pain returned when I wanted to relax. Last night I put Lucha T8 to the magical effect. The pain is history now. ”

Daniela Cavlina, Lawyer

“I believe in mainstream medicine, and as an empiricist, I believe in the evidence-based medicine. I was having pain in my cervical spine and shoulder, I tried the Lucha T8 device, and it helped me greatly.”

Dejan Stoiljković, Oncologist

“Lucha T8 gives me peace of mind and good energy. Besides, it helped me too accelerate the treatment of sinusitis. Lucha T8 is my new companion.”

Tijana Dapčević, Musician

"I am convinced that my crossed path with Lucha T8 was no coincedince. This way I expanded the study of the micro world within ourselves and the macro world that surrounds us. I can recommend this device to others, because it connects by nature, it brings good energy and joy.”

Predrag Dugalić, MD, Gastroenterologist